Infosec Pubs > infosec

I'm publishing these docs on the Internet in the theory that by writing down knowledge/ideas and sharing it on the Internet, I can "debug" my brain in much the same way that programmers debug software. If you have feedback, I'd like to hear it.
Hacking Lexicon [850-kbytes, 250-pages]
Clarifies meanings of infosec terms.
IDS FAQ [170-kbytes]
All about network intrusion detection systems, how to sniff intruder's traffic from the wire and figure out if the traffic is hostile.
Sniffing FAQ [130-kbytes]
General information on how to sniff traffic from the wire, including a guide on how to interpret what the bits/bytes mean.
Firewall Seen FAQ [150-kbytes]
Answers the question "I saw X on my firewall; what does it mean?"
Firewall Pr0n FAQ [30-kbytes]
System administrators of all types, but especially firewall admins and IDS admins, see the trails of porn surfing. Mostly, is just more embarrassing for the parties involved.

Copyright © 1998-2001 by Robert Graham (of course). All rights reserved.